
Urent is your one-stop shop for any of your rental needs.

In a world increasingly driven by shared mobility solutions, Urent emerged as a game-changer with its innovative smartphone-based platform that allows users to effortlessly rent and list vehicles while enjoying fantastic deals. Telexar Technologies had the privilege of collaborating with Urent in the development of their Vehicle Host Dashboard, a pivotal component of their platform. This case study delves into the journey of how Telexar employed Agile methodologies to build this dashboard from scratch, ensuring that it seamlessly integrated with Urent’s mobile application. The project was executed using ReactJS for the frontend, NodeJS for the backend, Postgresql for the database, and AWS for hosting.

Understanding the Agile Development Process

Agile methodology served as the cornerstone of our project with Urent. It enabled us to adapt and respond swiftly to changing requirements while maintaining a continuous dialogue with Urent’s team. Here’s a breakdown of how Agile principles guided our project:
Iterative Development: We embraced iterative development, breaking the project into smaller, manageable tasks. These iterations allowed us to continually refine the dashboard based on evolving requirements and feedback from Urent.
Cross-functional Teams: Telexar assembled a dedicated, cross-functional team of developers, designers, and quality assurance experts. This team was agile in both its structure and mindset, fostering seamless communication and collaboration.
Regular Stakeholder Engagement: Our collaboration with Urent was characterized by constant dialogue. We held regular meetings and demonstrated incremental progress, ensuring Urent’s team had visibility into the development process and could provide timely input.
User Stories and Prioritization: We started by gathering and prioritizing user stories, focusing on Urent’s vehicle host requirements. Each user story was defined, estimated, and worked on in iterations, ensuring that the most critical features were addressed first.
Continuous Testing and Quality Assurance: Quality was a non-negotiable aspect of our development process. We implemented continuous testing and quality assurance measures, identifying and addressing issues early in the development cycle.
Telexar completed and delivered the project on time. Overall, we were impressed by the team's proactive approach and by going the extra mile throughout the development.
Jamshaid Bukhari
CTO- Urent

Understanding Urent's Vehicle Host Requirements

To create the Vehicle Host Dashboard, we had to gain an in-depth understanding of Urent’s unique requirements. This involved extensive collaboration with Urent’s internal development team and stakeholders. Key features and requirements included:
User-Friendly Interface: The dashboard needed an intuitive design to ensure vehicle hosts could easily list, manage, and monitor their vehicles and bookings.
Integration with Mobile Application: Seamless integration with Urent’s mobile application was crucial. Hosts needed to synchronize their dashboard activities with the app, ensuring real-time updates and accurate availability information.
Comprehensive Vehicle Management: The dashboard allowed hosts to add, edit, and delete vehicle listings, set pricing, manage bookings, and view analytics on their vehicles’ performance.
Transaction History: A transaction history feature was integrated to provide hosts with a detailed record of their earnings and payments.
Secure Payment Processing: Implementing robust payment processing mechanisms was vital to ensure secure transactions between hosts and users.


Technological Stack and Hosting

The Vehicle Host Dashboard was developed using the following technology stack:
Frontend: ReactJS was chosen for its flexibility and responsiveness, providing a user-friendly interface.
Backend: NodeJS offered the scalability and performance required to handle Urent’s growing user base.
Database: Postgresql was selected for its reliability and support for complex data relationships.
Hosting: AWS was the chosen cloud infrastructure, offering scalability, reliability, and robust security features.

Collaborative Engagement with Urent

Collaboration with Urent was a key factor in the project’s success. Our teams worked closely together, leveraging tools like Slack and regular video conferences for seamless communication. This collaborative environment allowed us to promptly address any issues, incorporate feedback, and ensure the final product met Urent’s vision.


Telexar Technologies’ Agile development approach, coupled with a deep understanding of Urent’s vehicle host requirements, culminated in the successful creation of the Vehicle Host Dashboard. By prioritizing user stories, maintaining open communication, and implementing a robust technological stack, we delivered a solution that empowered hosts to efficiently manage their vehicles, synchronize with the mobile application, and thrive in the shared mobility ecosystem. Our collaboration with Urent’s internal development team exemplified the power of teamwork and iterative development in achieving a shared goal.
Through this project, Telexar Technologies solidified its reputation as a reliable partner in crafting innovative solutions for the ever-evolving mobility industry.